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Official Wrestlemania 22 Wishlist

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I thought i'd open a wishlist... post what you want in the next game


i want elimination chambers more legends better caws and ill post more if i think of them


Pinned: :)

I'd like to see the elimination chamber as well, although I think they've keep it exclusive to the Smackdown! series. Other than that, I'd like to see a good long, season mode. I know that the games are gonna concentrate on the road to Wrestlemania, but I'd like to have the option to carry on the season mode after Wrestlemania.

  • 2 weeks later...

  Smacktalks said:
Pinned: :)

I'd like to see the elimination chamber as well, although I think they've keep it exclusive to the Smackdown! series. Other than that, I'd like to see a good long, season mode. I know that the games are gonna concentrate on the road to Wrestlemania, but I'd like to have the option to carry on the season mode after Wrestlemania.


yea i second that io also would want like have multi season like on smackdown v.s raw 06

way better entrance and on xbox live be able to see yours and the opponnets entrance

  • 1 month later...

They should put in the WWE Shopzone all Hall of Fame sets to unlock. So if you unlock the Hall of Fame 2005 you get Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Nikolai Volkoff and other legends. Theys hould also include elimination chamber and matches like that. Just copy SDVRAW 06 because thats ace. Inferno Match would be cool and create a ppv cause that used to be ace. And a better create a supertsra thing because wm21 is crap for that. And a bigger roster. PLEASE!!!


instead of mo-cap do faster gameplay, like in DOR


Online downloads such as new matches, belts, wrestlers etc.

  • 2 months later...

i have one how about better gameplay in general

  • 3 months later...

@ smacktalks.

1. When come new caws ?

2. Which caw's are come in the next time ?

3. I may caws like Scotty too Hotty or Grandmaster Sexay !

I will see new cwas for Wrestlemania 21. I need new caws. :)


Some things I'd want for Wrestlemania 22(even though they aren't gonna make one, I'll just tell you what Wrestlemania 21 should've done in the first place):

-Better gameplay: The gameplay actually isn't that bad, but some of the moves look like shit, alot of the moves just aren't in the game, and there aren't enough moves for different situations. I say make the gameplay more like the DOR series, those games have the best gameplay.

-Better CAW Mode: The CAW mode in 21 was god awful, you could barely do anything to your character. And the worst part was creating your moveset. You could only use a list of like 25 or 30 specials. Why not just be able to use all of the moves? I didn't get that at all. And you HAD to have fireworks in your entrance, which I thought was pratty dumb.

-Better Sotry Mode: I liked the cutscenes in this game, but the story was so lame, I hate how your character has to change shows in all the story modes for all the wrestling games. Why can't I just pick what show I can be on and just stay there? I don't wanna jump from Samckdown to RAW, or RAW to Smackdown, it's the same damn storyline for every single WWE game THQ puts out, it's getting very very old. I just wanna get in simple one-on-one feuds, then maybe challenge for the US title if I'm on Smackdown, or the IC title if I'm on RAW. Or hell, maybe I'll try and find myself a tag partner and go for the tag titles. Or maybe I'll just pick a fight with a guy for no reason, then the GM sets up a match for us at the next PPV 3 weeks away, and we do promos, tag matches and backstage brawls and such before our match to make the rivalry more heated. THQ just needs to keep it simple with their story modes, I don't even bother playing them anymore they're so lame.

-Create a PPV: I think this feature would really work in this game. You can pick the name of your PPV, the arena, how many matches and what announcers to use. Then, you pick the amount of "major feuds" involved in your PPV. Then you can make your own highlight videos for the feuds, and those videos will be shown before your PPV starts. You can also make your own Pyro before the PPV starts, and also pick what matches you have and what titles are on the line, etc... This would make the Create a PPV more in-depth and be alot more fun. Alright, let's say I make No Mercy. I make 7 matches in the PPV with Tazz & Michael Cole as my announcers. Then, my 3 major feuds are the main event, Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit for the WWE Championship. My other two feuds are Big Show vs. Undertaker, and Rob Van Dam vs. Booker T. I can make highlight videos by a recording system in the game where I can make little clips of the guys doing their moves, I can record this anytime during the match. This would also be cool for like, trading video clips of you doing insane moves over XBOX live. Now, I make my highlight videos, they have cool effects and sweet moves in them, and each superstar has a few lines that they say that you can pick from, so Booker T says "At No Mercy, you're ass is mine! SUCKAAA!!!", and Undertaker says "This sunday, you will rest...in...PEACE!" and stuff like that. Then I make my pyro, lots of fireworks for this one, and my PPV's underway. I play my first match, a tag title match, Rey Mysterio & Matt Hardy vs. the Dudleys. After the match, it doesn't go back to the menu screen, it just shows a picture of the next participents for the next match, like in real life. There, while Cole and Tazz are discussing the match, there's two little icons on the bottom that say "watch" and "play". If you choose play, it just goes right into the entrances without loading, and then the next match starts. If you pick "watch", then you have to watch the match. Or you could just press start and go to "sim match" and then it will skip right to the next match, showing the next match on the screen, where you can once again pick what to do for the match.

wow, that was long, but one of my dreams for a WWE game...

  • 2 weeks later...

How about a GM mode like SDvRAW06? I love those kinda things. Also, if you plan to put a feature in, finish it - anyone notice how a couple of the unlockables seem to promise move fireworks/music/etc. and don't deliver in the slightest?

Personally, I'm pretty happy with the selection of moves; yeah, they could stand to put a few more oldskool finishers and such in there (no Big Leg finisher? hello?), but what I'd really like to see are preset repertoires like in S:LoW that you could edit to suit the character - I mean, hell, I don't know what DDP used for generic strong-grapples! :p

The ability to choose the AI's general playstyle for a CaW was also pretty cool, not to mention the cameral and lighting controls. If you could put that together with the XBox' ability to rip and use music from CDs, you'd have it made. Another suggestion there, though: Add a Martial-Artist expertise.

Also, you reeeeeeally should be able to put more than four wrestlers in the ring at once! Isn't that how a Royal Rumble's supposed to work, six at once? And how about triple-tag-team matches? I mean, sheesh.

Speaking of matches, I think casket-matches would be pretty cool to see, along with the aforementioned triple-tag matches, and maybe 3-on-2 and 4-on-2 handicaps. Why the four-person limitation, anyway?


umm how about no game stopping glitches, lol umm way better caw mode, like SVR&DOR&RAW2 all put togeather


Some things I'd want for Wrestlemania 22(even though they aren't gonna make one, I'll just tell you what Wrestlemania 21 should've done in the first place):

-Better gameplay: The gameplay actually isn't that bad, but some of the moves look like shit, alot of the moves just aren't in the game, and there aren't enough moves for different situations. I say make the gameplay more like the DOR series, those games have the best gameplay.

-Better CAW Mode: The CAW mode in 21 was god awful, you could barely do anything to your character. And the worst part was creating your moveset. You could only use a list of like 25 or 30 specials. Why not just be able to use all of the moves? I didn't get that at all. And you HAD to have fireworks in your entrance, which I thought was pratty dumb.

-Better Sotry Mode: I liked the cutscenes in this game, but the story was so lame, I hate how your character has to change shows in all the story modes for all the wrestling games. Why can't I just pick what show I can be on and just stay there? I don't wanna jump from Samckdown to RAW, or RAW to Smackdown, it's the same damn storyline for every single WWE game THQ puts out, it's getting very very old. I just wanna get in simple one-on-one feuds, then maybe challenge for the US title if I'm on Smackdown, or the IC title if I'm on RAW. Or hell, maybe I'll try and find myself a tag partner and go for the tag titles. Or maybe I'll just pick a fight with a guy for no reason, then the GM sets up a match for us at the next PPV 3 weeks away, and we do promos, tag matches and backstage brawls and such before our match to make the rivalry more heated. THQ just needs to keep it simple with their story modes, I don't even bother playing them anymore they're so lame.

-Create a PPV: I think this feature would really work in this game. You can pick the name of your PPV, the arena, how many matches and what announcers to use. Then, you pick the amount of "major feuds" involved in your PPV. Then you can make your own highlight videos for the feuds, and those videos will be shown before your PPV starts. You can also make your own Pyro before the PPV starts, and also pick what matches you have and what titles are on the line, etc... This would make the Create a PPV more in-depth and be alot more fun. Alright, let's say I make No Mercy. I make 7 matches in the PPV with Tazz & Michael Cole as my announcers. Then, my 3 major feuds are the main event, Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit for the WWE Championship. My other two feuds are Big Show vs. Undertaker, and Rob Van Dam vs. Booker T. I can make highlight videos by a recording system in the game where I can make little clips of the guys doing their moves, I can record this anytime during the match. This would also be cool for like, trading video clips of you doing insane moves over XBOX live. Now, I make my highlight videos, they have cool effects and sweet moves in them, and each superstar has a few lines that they say that you can pick from, so Booker T says "At No Mercy, you're ass is mine! SUCKAAA!!!", and Undertaker says "This sunday, you will rest...in...PEACE!" and stuff like that. Then I make my pyro, lots of fireworks for this one, and my PPV's underway. I play my first match, a tag title match, Rey Mysterio & Matt Hardy vs. the Dudleys. After the match, it doesn't go back to the menu screen, it just shows a picture of the next participents for the next match, like in real life. There, while Cole and Tazz are discussing the match, there's two little icons on the bottom that say "watch" and "play". If you choose play, it just goes right into the entrances without loading, and then the next match starts. If you pick "watch", then you have to watch the match. Or you could just press start and go to "sim match" and then it will skip right to the next match, showing the next match on the screen, where you can once again pick what to do for the match.

wow, that was long, but one of my dreams for a WWE game...

i totally agree with your thought process man... i like to add something though they should have more caw spots in previous games it was like 35-45 spots to hold your created characters bring back legends like ultimo dragon, doink the clown, earthquake, etc. a longer movelist for characters, ongoing beefs, backstage fights, contract signings i think they should also put all of the wrestlers from smackdown and raw in this game and since the reemergrnce of ecw their should also be a spot for them also

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