Supa #2 Posted September 15, 2005 Posted September 15, 2005 Trevor Murdoch Credit: Hollywood nWo -------------------- figure whole body :0,-22,0 figure:face face:35,0,21,-71,0 forehead:-28,-100,26,0,-59,0,40 eye:-52,-61,0,-20,13,16,0,-33 cheekbone:100,9,25 nose:40,7,0,-29,4,0 nose top:0,0,0,65,0,0 mouth:39,0,0,0,0,0 lip angle:100,-100,0 cheek:2 outline:-100,-100,-74 jaw:-75,-82,4 body figure: crown:-52,100,0 head:-14,27,4 neck:100,-65,0 shoulder:-3 chest:-17,55 abdomen:48,67 waist:10,0,75 upper arm:63,-30 forearm:30,9 hand:26,3,15 thigh:16,14 calf:10,16 foot:11,-72,-18 headbase:faceline03:wrinkle05 hair:short07 , color 321,32,76 eyebrow:normal , color 312,46,83 eye:brow wide:eye wrinkle 01:normal brown 02 nose:smart Thick Lips 01 mustache:none body base:form smart , color 0,0,80 tattoo : I just painted a long thick black rectangle and placed it repeat:horizontal: on the torso to make his tights higher up . bottom wear:short tights 01 , color 0,0,0 footwear:ring shoes long 01: color 1 : 0,0,0 color 2&3 : 0,100,23 wrist:both:bandage short: color 0,0,50 gear:wig front short:head 0,14,7,7,94,50,-54,-90,-40 : color 321,32,83
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