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April Hunter CAW

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Hi, I'm very new here, but I've been a fan of the Smackdown series since the very first game. For the past few games I've heard about forums and sites for CAWs but never really took a closer look until a few days ago. Seen a lot of good stuff and ideas on how to use some of the designs in a way I had never thought of. The only thing I added to my CAW of April Hunter was a cleft in her chin.


And here's a zipped file containing this pic, a video demo of her in action, and the text doc of this formula if you want to take a look at it.


For those unfamiliar with Rapidshare, when you get to the page, scroll all the way down and click the "free" button, then when the next page appears scroll all the way down and wait from the download link to appear.


Anything that isn't mentioned (material, shade, length, etc; just leave default). I've never unlocked all the items so there may be certain prop (tattoes, paint, etc;) that might work better, so please feel free to experiment with this formula (not that I can stop you, hehehe) but if you take the time to use this formula you should be able to use as you see fit for your game, so it's all good.



Name: April Hunter

Class: Light Heavyweight

Gender: Female

Tactics: Dirty

LOGIC (suggestions)


Logic one: Grappler

Logic two: Balanced

Move: Aggressive

Irish whip: Less often

Diving moves: often

Taunt: Less often



Face skin: 1/9

Body skin: 2/4

Skin color: 1 = X-93 Y26 = shade 8

Hair: 65/88 = X-98 Y-20 = shade 40 = length -100

Eyebrows: 97/154 = X -93 Y5 = shade 0

Eyes: 1/12 = X-54 Y-7 = shade 0

Lips: 54/65 = X89 Y-1 = shade 25



Head: L: X-67 Y-52 = R: X29

Eyebrows: L: X-2 Y2 = R: Y-19

Eyes: L: X-4 Y-36 = R: X-15 Y-33

Nose: L: X67 Y12 = R: X-21 Y-43

Cheek: L: X57 Y-1 = R: X-34 Y-17

Mouth: L: X74 Y16 = R: X14 Y51

Jaw: L: X100 Y100 = X37 Y10



Head: L: X7 Y53 = R: Y48

Neck: L: X37 Y6 = R: Y-57

Chest: L: X100 Y56 = R: Y33

Bust: L: X100 Y74 = R: X-100 Y100

Shoulder: L: X054 Y45

Abdomen: L: X0 Y20 = R: Y100

Arms: L: X26 Y32 = R: Y-25

Hands: L: X-38 Y-12

Waist: L: X54 Y25

Legs: L: X21 Y14 = R: X-47 Y0

Feet: L: X35 Y61 = R: Y28








Make-up 18/60 color: X-100 Y-100

Pattern Simple 145/162 color X-86 Y10 = shade X100 = Trans X-65 (vertical: shortest height/thickest width. Placed in center of bottom of chin just enough to see)



Very short hemline 21/24 color X-100 Y2 = shade X26

Upper accessory 18/24 color X-96 Y-50 = shade X-100 = trans X100



Pattern simple 20/162 color X20 Y-35 = Trans X100 (shortest height/widest length. Placed just under the shoulder, should be leveled with the cleavage strap of top)

WRIST BANDS 3/20 color X12 Y-94 = shade X-100 = length X43



Underwear 1/19

Lower-sheer 6/9 color X11 Y-100 = shade X-100 = trans X-100

Underwear 19/19 color X-100 Y-12 = shade X21 = trans X100



Shoes 1/45 color X12 Y-80 = shade X-100

kneepads 14/15 color X12 Y-84 = shade X-100 = trans X100




The moves that have an "*" are moves I've actually seen April perform in the ring, consider all the other moves listed as suggestions. And feel free to replace any of them with moves you know, or want your, April Hunter uses.





Ring in: Triple H

Ring out: Normal

Taunts: taunt fighter = hold up 02 = tuant woman 01 = it can stop

Fighting: woman 03

Walking: normal

Running: woman

Entrance: Logo + original 01 + A-Train




Attack: strong spinning elbow* = woman's toe kick = outlaw punches 01 = back chop 01* = boxing uppercut = enzuigiri 2*



Submission: grapple 4 = standing crossface = hangman chokehold 1 = headlock 3* = octopus stretch 1*

Signature: grapple 8 = low blow 1 = scoop slam 06* = sidewalk slam 4* = DDT 10

Power: grapple 9 = low blow 3 = low blow 4 = manhattan drop* = DDT 19

Quick: grapple 8 = suplex 6* = small package 3 = flapjack & dropkick = arm drag 5*

Grapple attack: grapple body attack 1 = grapple body attack 1 = grapple body attack 2




low blow 6* = full nelson slam 3* = german suplex 4* = forearm smash

GY: low blow 6 = german suplex 9* = sleeper hold 4 = octopus stretch 2


Edge of cell: all downward thrust




Attack: woman's angry stomp = elbow drop 2 = flip leg drop

Grapple: U: Camel clutch 1 = surfboard = fury punch 8 L: kick to groin = punch to groin = leg & neck lock




Attack: turnbuckle clothesline = turnbuckle dropkick 1 = bronco buster 1

Grapple: figure 4 neck lock = diamond dust = 10 punch = mudhole strikes

Back attack: 10 turnbuckle smash = stratusfatction = toss 1 = super back suplex




Rope down: Choke 2

Rebound attack: clothesline 6* = slingshot body splash 1 = vaulting body press 2

Jump down over: vaulting body press 1




Stand: over castle* = diving cross body pin

Down: houston hang over* = diving moonsault 2 = diving elbow drop




Attack: Clothesline 14* = clothesline 11*

Grapple: headscissor takedown 2* = Lou Thesz press

Back Attack: bulldog 5 = german suplex 7*

Squatting: running flip splash = dropkick to knee 3

Counter: sleeper hold 5 = tilt a whirl sideslam 3 = german suplex 1*




Stand: Low blow knee attack = double facecrusher = punches & full nelson

Turnbuckle: accident 1 = headbutt to groin = groin press = calf kick & sweep





Widow's Peak

full nelson slam 2*


enzuigiri 2

sidewalk slam 4

clothesline 14


DDT 29


Combination moves:

People's Punch 1

People's Punch 1

Undertaker Punches 2



Nice CAW man. Hopefully, you'll stay around and create new CAWs for SvR2006!


You can bet on it! I just hope they don't mess up the female CAWs. SvR is the first game in the series where the girls are pratically perfect. But they really need to add more hair styles.

Check out my Angel Williams CAW I just posted.


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