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Question, I'm trying to figure out this hacking stuff and I can't I'm a idiot lol. Anyway, I'm trying to make Jerry Lawler over Jazz or someone over someone else but this is funny, I don't understand aint these values right here supposed to have a few more numbers

CAW 1 : 0040A688

CAW 2 : 0040B15C

CAW 3 : 0040BC30

CAW 4 : 0040C704

CAW 5 : 0040D1D8

CAW 6 : 0040DCAC

CAW 7 : 0040E780

CAW 8 : 0040F254

CAW 9 : 0040FD28

CAW 10 : 004107FC

CAW 11 : 004112D0

CAW 12 : 00411DA4

CAW 13 : 00412878

CAW 14 : 0041334C

CAW 15 : 00413E20

CAW 16 : 004148F4

CAW 17 : 004153C8

CAW 18 : 00415E9C

CAW 19 : 00416970

CAW 20 : 00417444

CAW 21 : 00417F18

CAW 22 : 004189EC

CAW 23 : 004194C0

CAW 24 : 00419F94

CAW 25 : 0041AA68

CAW 26 : 0041B53C

CAW 27 : 0041C010

CAW 28 : 0041CAE4

CAW 29 : 0041D5B8

CAW 30 : 0041E08C

CAW 31 : 0041EB60

CAW 32 : 0041F634

The Rock : 0041FD94

Steve Austin : 0041FEDC

Triple H : 00420024

Undertaker : 0042016C

Rob Van Dam : 004202B4

Kurt Angle : 004203FC

Chris Jericho : 00420544

Kane : 0042068C

Booker T : 004207D4

Chris Benoit : 0042091C

Edge : 00420A64

Christian : 00420BAC

Matt Hardy : 00420CF4

Jeff Hardy : 00420E3C

Lita : 00420F84

Bubba Ray Dudley : 004210CC

D-von Dudley : 00421214

William Regal : 0042135C

Lance Storm : 004214A4

DDP : 004215EC

Stephanie McMahon : 00421734

Vince McMahon : 0042187C

WSM ( Wouldabeen Shane McMahon ) : 004219C4

Farooq : 11421B0C

Bradshaw : 00421C54

Test : 00421D9C

Big Show : 00421EE4

Trish Stratus : 0042202C

Tajiri : 00422174

Rikishi : 004222BC

Ric Flair : 00422404

Stacy Kiebler : 0042254C

Hulk Hogan : 00422694

Kevin Nash : 004227DC

Rico : 00422924

Chuck : 00422A6C

Billy : 00422BB4

Albert : 00422CFC

Scotty 2 Hotty : 00422E44

Tazz : 00422F8C

The Hurricane : 004230D4

Molly Holly : 0042321C

Torrie Wilson : 00423364

Spike Dudley : 004234AC

Brock Lesnar : 004235F4

Rhyno : 0042373C

Raven : 00423884

Maven : 004239CC

X-pac : 00423B14

Jazz : 00423C5C

Michael Cole : 00423DA4

Earl Hebner : 00423EEC

Jim Ross : 00424034

Jerry Lawler : 0042417C

Debra : 004242C4

Linda McMahon : 0042440C

Eddie Guerrero : 00424554

Billy Kidman : 0042469C

Al Snow : 004247E4

Mark Henry : 0042492C

Ivory : 00424A74

Randy Orton : 00424BBC

The Big Valbowski : 00424D04

Hardcore Holly : 00424E4C

Shawn Stasiak : 00424F94

Shawn Michaels : 004250DC

Goldust : 00425224


Those aren't values. Those are reference addresses in hex. There's 2 parts to every code, there's an 8-digit address and an 8-digit value. The address determines what the oh, f**k it, here's the long tutorial I saved. Follow through with it to figure out what to do with those numbers.

Walkthrough with






The format that the PS2 works in is HEX. All the cheat codes for whatever cheat device are encrypted.

Each code consists of an 8-digit address and an 8-digit value. The address determines what can be changed and the value determines what the change is.

What I did with all those superstar and CAW codes was I just gave one address for each character in HEX ( the address is only for reference ) .


example - you want to change CAW 6

Find the CAW 6 REFERENCE ADDRESS in the list of wrestlers

CAW 6 : 0040DCAC


To get the address for a specific thing you want to change, you add an offset to the address.


example - you want to change CAW 6's Ready Grapple Up move

Find the Ready Grapple Up OFFSET in the list of offsets

10000022 : Ready Grapple Up

Use kpdavatar's converter. The first thing you do is scroll down to where it says "AR2 Encryption" and select the BCA99B83 button right below it. That's the basic encryption type for SD4.

Then you scroll back up to where it says "Code:" and select the Hex button below that box. That tells the converter that the code you're entering is in HEX format.

Clear the Code box and put in CAW 6's reference address: 0040dcac

Clear the Hex Offset box below and put in the offset for the Ready Grapple Up move: 10000022

Click the button that says "Add Offset"

You should see 1040DCCE 00000000 in the code box. This is the Hex Address that determines what CAW 6's Ready Grapple Up move is.


I listed all known values that could be used with the address you get when you use a specific offset. To complete the Hex Code, just pick a value and put it after the address you get. Remember that the value has to be 8 digits also, so if a value is only 4 digits, put 4 zeroes before it to get 8 digits. If it's only 2 digits, put 6 zeroes before it.


example - you want to change CAW 6's Ready Grapple Up move to the F-5

Find the F-5 VALUE in the list of values

1461- F-Five (SP)

Continue using kpdavatar's coverter. In the Code box where it says 1040DCCE 00000000, click after the last zero and backspace past the last 4 digits so you're left with 1040DCCE 0000, then put in the F-Five value. Now you've got 1040DCCE 00001461 in the Code box. This is the Hex Code to change CAW 6's Ready Grapple Up move to the F-5.


All the addresses I put in are for NTSC PS2's. In Europe they use PAL PS2's. That makes the game's program start differently : the program is exactly the same, but it shifts the addresses up to a different spot. If you're using a European PS2, you'll need to add another Hex offset to the address in your Code box to make it right. The offset is 00002380. This offset should work for all games.


example NTSC - Ignore what I just wrote. It doesn't apply. Your NTSC Hex code is correct.


example PAL - you need to convert the Hex code from NTSC to PAL

Continue using kpdavatar's code converter. Clear the Hex Offset box again. Type in the NTSC-PAL conversion offset - 00002380. Click the Add Offset button. You should see 1041004E 00001461 in the Code box. This is the PAL Hex code.


Once you complete the code, you need to encrypt it so that it works on whatever cheat device you use. Just click the button next to your cheat device.

o AR2 (and GS2v2 or earlier) o Hex

o CB2 o GSv3


example NTSC

AR2 (and GS2v2 or earlier) should be CEBE1ACC BCA9AFE4

CB2 should be 1A072DFC 00001461

GSv3 should be 1440B369 3FF8D77C


example PAL

AR2 (and GS2v2 or earlier) should be CEBDFE4C BCA9AFE4

CB2 should be 1A872DD0 00001461

GSv3 should be 14403729 3F78C53C


You just need to follow the directions I gave at the top of the primary post in the CAW Mods Repost thread. Now that you've been "walked through", just follow the same procedure for any of the wrestlers and characteristics.


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