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Eddie Guerrero (long hair)


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I respect a guy with a lotta hair - even Carlito - so you know I had to do this. ^.^ Also, I'm posting this considerably after the fact, so forgive any uncertainties.


Name: OS Eddie or WCW Eddy

Nickname: Hot Stuff (or Cheater if you wanna go for the heel vibe)

Hometown: El Paso

Expertise: Aerialist

Weight Class: Light-heavyweight (or heavy; can't remember for certain - someone check me on this)


Size: 3-5 clicks down, a couple left

Skin Colour: I couldn't find a proper skin-tone for the life of me; I believe I ended up settling a bit left of the middle.


Forehead: 10 clicks down.


Shape: Normal

Scaling: 5 clicks right.

Nose: 3 clicks up, 3 right.

Lips: 14 clicks left.

Jaw: 9 clicks up, all the way left.




Young: None

Facial Hair: Goatee 7, black

Eyebrows: Normal, black

Eyes: Default hue, darken about 3/4 of the way.

Hair: Hot-Rod Long Hair or Long&Straight, black.

b]Upper Body


Type: Plain w/tie (or muscle-shirt, if the sleeves bother you more than the lack of tie and buttons)

Arms (both): Decorative Armbands, all three colours bright white

Lower Body


Type: Skin-tight - XLong

Material: Polyester

Pattern: Snake

Colours: Pure black, deep red (clear into the corner and about 3/4 brightness), gold (about 3/5 of the way up the red/yellow edge and full brightness).

(if anyone comes up with a good way to do the fringies on the cuffs, let me know!)


Type: Wrestling Boots High

Colour: 4-5 clicks up from pure black


Ready Stance

Attacks: Chop, Punch to Gut, Quick Jab, Low Blow, Kick to Gut, Roundhouse (low)

Grapples (Facing)

Quick: Dropkick to Legs, Snapmare, Headbutt, Armdrag

Strong: Powerslam, Gutwrench Suplex, Northern Lights Suplex, Tila-a-whirl Slam

Submission: Sleeperhold, Cloverleaf, Standing Octopus, Bow&Arrow

Specialty: Hurricanrana, Swinging Neckbreaker, Tres Amigos, Gorilla Press Slam

Grapples (Behind): Russian Legsweep, Reverse DDT, German Suplex, Belly-to-back Suplex

Ground Grapples: Surfboard, Stranglehold 2

Rope Grapples: Wipeout, Slingshot Suplex


Ground Attacks

Basic Strike: Stomp

Head Strike: Legdrop

Arm Strike: Elbow Drop

Leg Strike: Kneedrop

Arm Ground Grapples: Flipping Hammerlock, Short Arm Scissor, Cross Armbreaker

Leg Ground Grapples: Step-over Toehold, Legbar, Figure-four Leglock

Head Ground Grapples: Ground Punches, Camel Clutch, Head Scissors


Grapples (Facing): Head Smash, Belly-to-Back Superplex, Tie to Tree of Woe, Snake-eyes

Grapples (Behind): Corner Punches, Monkey Flip, Suplex, Tornado DDT

Grapples (Sitting): Stomping Mudhole, Alley-oop


Against Standing Opponent: Dropkick, Axe-handle

Against Down Opponent: Moonsault, Flying Elbow


Running Counterattacks: Flapjack, Drop Toehold, Frontdrop

Running Behind Grapples: Bulldog, Twist Hurricanrana

Running Grapples: Crucifix Head-scissor, Float-over DDT

Running Strikes: Leg Lariat, Flying Forearm

Bounce Off Ropes: Dropkick

Against Down Opponent: Jumping Elbow Drop, Senton, Elbow Drop

Taunts: Both of Eddie's, obviously (I switched them)

Finishers: Frog-splash, Gory Special


Music: Use his if you can, obviously; I used Polyamorous for the alternate.

Moves: Ramp Move 10 (Val Venis), Ring Move 5 (Bret Hart)

Video: Eddie Guerrero, of course!

Pyrotechnics: WTFE, since he doesn't use any. :p

Crowd Signs: Sign 2 (Cheat2Win!)

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