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D-Von Dudley 3 (Reverend Attire)

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D-Von Dudley (Reverend Attire) CAW for SVR2006

Created by Nobody


Something not said is Default.

This also assumes you understand how to use CAW mode and can grasp simple logic.

If you notice anything wrong with the formula, any typos etc... Please notify me.


Name: Reverend D-Von

HUD Name: D-Von

Nick Name: DEFAULT

Nick Name Placement: None

Announcer Introduction: Whatever

Hometown: Dudleyville

Gender: Male

Classification: Heavyweight

Match Tactics: Dirty

Show: Either

Voice: Whatever


Head: [0, 14, 9, -29]

Eyebrows: [100, 70, 29, -90]

Eyes: [0, -36, -40, 39, 35, -49, -8]

Nose: [0, 68, 50, -34, 29, 25, -59, 0]

Cheek: [-93, 100, 40, -44]

Mouth: [-75, 38, -29, 0, 43, 100, 25]

Jaw: [-10, 10, -22, -25, 0, 16]

Ear: [-25, 62, -42, -14]

Age: [19]


Hair: 89: [93, 0, 40]

Eyes: 1: [92, 50, 33]

Eyebrows: 25: [95, 50, 0, 48]

Facial Hair:

Others: 19: [95, 50, 0, 65]

Others: 15: [95, 50, 0, 14]

Others: 17: [94, 50, 0, 65]

Mustache: 2: [95, 50, 0, 40]

Lips: 1: [98, 50, 38, 29]

Face Skin: 2

Eyelids: 22: [94, 50, 50]



Head: [19, 0, -11]

Neck: [-44, 17, 36]

Chest: [0, 0, 51]

Shoulder: [-74, -1, -60]

Abdomen: [0, 27, 42]

Waist: [33, 36]

Arms: [0, 25, 9]

Hands: [0, 0, 0]

Legs: [0, 17, 23]

Feet: [0, 0, 14]

BODY SKIN: 1: [96, 50, 28] - Make exact





Costume: M-3 P-1: [43, 0, 50, 100]

Costume: M-2 P-1: [43, 0, 12, 100]

Clothes: Men\'s: M-62 P-1: [43, 0, 9]

Clothes: Men\'s: M-34 P-1: [43, 0, 12, 100, 89]

Jacket: M-2 P-1: [43, 0, 14] - ENTRANCE ONLY

Make sure that the above layers are in correct order


Wrist Bands: Both Arms: M-1 P-1, [43, 0, 41, 100, 67]

Accessories: 49: [90, 0, 50, 100]


Pants: M-7 P-1: [43, 0, 9, 0] - I wish there was something better here...

K now go to layers section and obviously make sure that the

L_Hemeline\'s are above the Tights

K next...

Tattoo/Logo: Design: Left Leg: 153:

Just make it as wide as it gets horizontally, leave vertical default.

Now move it down as far as it goes, it\'ll be on his shoes only.

Just put it in center of his boot.

[40, 0, 68, 100]

K now do 2 more 1 on each side.

Then do the same thing for the other boot.

6 layers all together.

I would have put some on the back of each boot to complete it but

sadly it doesn\'t actually

stretch out far enough to connect the 2 halves together so you\'re better off just

not doing it it won\'t be noticeable anyways.


Shoes: M-1 P-1: [43, 0, 13]


Fighting Style 1: Brawler

Fighting Style 2: Striker

Signs: Whatever


Move: Agressive

Irish Whip: Less

Diving Moves: Less

Taunt: Less

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