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Editing the Misc.pac to add additional attires

Miztah Raza

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Editing the Misc.pac to add attires

Right, so alot of people are doing mods nowadays so I thought I'd make a tutorial on how to edit the misc.pac to add attires to wrestlers. So here goes!:

First off, you will need:

- HxD(Hex editor): Installable version, Portable version

- Your misc.pac

- The ability to read

- The ability to use google

- Decimal to Hexadecimal converter

- Patience

Lets start, we will be adding an additional attire to Chris Jericho(Current).

  • First download and install HxD
  • Now grab your misc.pac from:
    Usb0(OR Hdd1)\Games\WWE'13(or similar)\pac
  • Open HxD and drag the misc.pac into the grey area on the HxD window
  • You will see a bunch of numbers(Knowing the newbs, I know they will get confused, but DO NOT get confused).
  • Press CTRL+F.
  • Type "COS" in the search box, press the Return(or enter) key.
  • Here are the entries for the superstars with their attires
  • Since we are doing Chris Jericho who is ch104, we will convert 104 to hex using a Hexadecimal Converter
  • The Hexadecimal value for 104 is 68 so we search for a byte which contains the number 68.
  • It is here: 2zofyg2.png
  • Remeber:

    01= no. of attires

    09= Attire code for Original Attire

    FF FF FF FF= Unlocked by default

  • Here Jericho(Who is ch104 which is 68 in hex) has 1 attire, which is unlocked by default.
  • If we want to add to add another attire, we replace the "01" with "02" so that it looks like: 13ynnds.png
  • Then in the byte that immediately follows "FF FF FF FF" we add 0B(Attire code for Collectors) so that it looks like: x3y80w.png
  • Finally, we move over 3(So in total, we skip 6 0's) bytes and then add "FF"(So a total of 8 F's) 4 bytes after that 1 byte after the other, like so: wa4zkz.png
  • After that just press CTRL+S and your misc.pac is saved!

Now to add attires to the actual pac files:

  • Download Tekken57's Dummy.pac
  • Inject any PACHs that you want(We edited the misc.pac so that chris jericho has 2 attires, so we can add chris' 00010402 and 00010404 PACHs into the dummy.pac, rename the the PACHs accordingly, and this will count as 1character(because 00010404 is actually an entrance attire which does not matter in the misc.pac) and another PACH files of his(texture modded or whatever) into another slot and rename the slot to 00010412 and if you want to add an entrance attire to that, inject another PACH into the slot underneath it and rename the slot to 00010414, etc.)
  • Press Add additional attire data to arc file button
  • Choose Plist360.arc
  • Press OK
  • Press the add additional attire data to arc file button again
  • Choose the Plist360_4x3.arc
  • Press OK
  • Done.


Attire codes(That I know of):

09= Original attire

0B= Collectors

0A= Suit

FF FF FF FF= Unlocked by default

You can add upto 4 in-ring attires and have 4 entrance attire for each of the in-ing attire they are named as follows:

-000xxx02, 000xxx04

-000xxx12, 000xxx14

-000xxx22, 000xxx24

-000xxx32, 000xxx34

When you convert a ch number into hex and the result is a 3 digit number, use this trick:

309(ch number for Hunico) in hex is 135, so in order to write this correctly in the misc.pac we have to add "0" in front of the number so it looks like, "0135", and then take the "01" and put it at the back of the number so that it looks like, "3501". Examples:

CH No.-------------------Hex-----------------------How it is written





Procedure= 325---->145----> 0145----> 4501

If you have any questions drop a reply and I'll try to help you out, but remember, google is a better friend that I am wink2.gif





I've made a program that does all of the above for you. It asks you for information about attires, IDs, etc. and produces the hex bytes for you! You simply have to copy them and paste them at the correct offset. I'd highly suggest reading the tutorial once though so you know what you're doing ;)

Here's the program:


If you're completely lost in the program, read the above tutorial and then hover the textbox titles, tool tips will appear briefly guiding you ;)


Edited by Miztah Raza™
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you know.. it would be awesome for everyone if you could do a tutorial video.. :)

Agreed, I have one question, this adds more attires but I'm assuming that means you cant make more in superstar threads then yep?

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you know.. it would be awesome for everyone if you could do a tutorial video.. :)

It's fine, it's not like you're going to understand it anyway

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Agreed, I have one question, this adds more attires but I'm assuming that means you cant make more in superstar threads then yep?

Yes you can, you just can't edit the attires you add manually. You can still use Superstar Threads(without replacing anything)

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Yes you can, you just can't edit the attires you add manually. You can still use Superstar Threads(without replacing anything)

Pretty cool stuff man im impressed :o

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Nice tutorial, although you should mention that there are actually 4 COS files (at least there were in WWE12 and don't think they changed this year), and that two of the four need changed, and one of the two that needs changed is for 4:3 displays and the other one is for 16:9 displays. If you don't change the one for the display setting you use, you won't see the changes. Regardless if there are 4 total like last year, you still need to be careful which one you change, and you should change the two different ones that are used by the different displays, in case you share anything ;)

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Nice tutorial, although you should mention that there are actually 4 COS files (at least there were in WWE12 and don't think they changed this year), and that two of the four need changed, and one of the two that needs changed is for 4:3 displays and the other one is for 16:9 displays. If you don't change the one for the display setting you use, you won't see the changes. Regardless if there are 4 total like last year, you still need to be careful which one you change, and you should change the two different ones that are used by the different displays, in case you share anything ;)

Ah yes, I'm only beginning so you have to forgive the rookie mistakes I make, lol. But I really can't find another entry for COS. I mean I search for it in HxD and it finds it, then I click "Search again" and it says, it can't find COS. So I'm kind of confused. I only do what it says in my tut and it seems to work fine, then again, I'm not a 16:9 display so I can't really confirm if it shows up on that. Would you mind telling where exactly I might find that second entry where the values need to be edited, but either replying or PM'ing me?

Thanks for the guide, And as brienj said their was 4 last year, topic pinned.. ;)

Thanks mate ;)

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Ah yes, I'm only beginning so you have to forgive the rookie mistakes I make, lol. But I really can't find another entry for COS. I mean I search for it in HxD and it finds it, then I click "Search again" and it says, it can't find COS. So I'm kind of confused. I only do what it says in my tut and it seems to work fine, then again, I'm not a 16:9 display so I can't really confirm if it shows up on that. Would you mind telling where exactly I might find that second entry where the values need to be edited, but either replying or PM'ing me?

Thanks mate ;)

I haven't checked yet this year. And I just checked, and you are right. They must have totally changed it. Last year, there were four of them, but only two needed changed. They can't make up their mind on anything. :dunno

Edited by brienj
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LOL They really can't. But meh, I only edit the one I find and it works how it should. I might have to hook up my 360 to my HDTV sometime to test it out, but until then it's working fine :xmasgrin:

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  • 4 weeks later...

so um you hooked your 360 up to your hdtv yet. lol. not sure why but it doesn't work for hd users...

Too lazy, it may just be because you've got the DLC pack 2/3. There's nothing else that can stop it.... Also, I've figured out how to fix that little prob, I'm too lazy to write up a tut right now, but it will come, eventually.

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Too lazy, it may just be because you've got the DLC pack 2/3. There's nothing else that can stop it.... Also, I've figured out how to fix that little prob, I'm too lazy to write up a tut right now, but it will come, eventually.

It's definitely because they have DLC2 or DLC3. You can change the misc.pac file in the game folder until your knuckles are raw, but the one in the latest DLC will always take precedence over it. LOL

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It's definitely because they have DLC2 or DLC3. You can change the misc.pac file in the game folder until your knuckles are raw, but the one in the latest DLC will always take precedence over it. LOL

Yep, but what you could do is, extract the misc_dlc03.pac, make the changes it needs(they have to treat it like the normal misc.pac) reinject it, click the rebuild button, click the security tab, sign it for dev LIVE and it works! I need to write up an in-depth tutorial, but as I said, just too lazy, atm

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Yep, but what you could do is, extract the misc_dlc03.pac, make the changes it needs(they have to treat it like the normal misc.pac) reinject it, click the rebuild button, click the security tab, sign it for dev LIVE and it works! I need to write up an in-depth tutorial, but as I said, just too lazy, atm

I'm also working on showing people how to get that file back on the HD, where it is much easier to mod. I have to just go ahead and do that mod, then share how with everyone. It's too much of a pain to keep modding that file in the actual DLC. BTW, I've explained a few times to everyone how you do it. Not sure if anyone will be able to finally do it on their own though.

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I'm also working on showing people how to get that file back on the HD, where it is much easier to mod. I have to just go ahead and do that mod, then share how with everyone. It's too much of a pain to keep modding that file in the actual DLC. BTW, I've explained a few times to everyone how you do it. Not sure if anyone will be able to finally do it on their own though.

It sure is a pain in ass, I mean, it takes longer for me to rebuild and FTP the file than it does to make the mod! Meh, people will understand if they want to, others will sit there and ask for video tutorials....

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not to everyone.. BJ :santa: but i get ya. makes sense. so basically i can either wait or hope one of you as you say lazy bastards decide to do a tut. lol. no offense its just funny because of the irony of the statement.

whats this rebuild button you speak of and this security tab? is there a recompiler somewhere i'm not aware of :(

Edited by zhigge
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Yep, but what you could do is, extract the misc_dlc03.pac, make the changes it needs(they have to treat it like the normal misc.pac) reinject it, click the rebuild button, click the security tab, sign it for dev LIVE and it works! I need to write up an in-depth tutorial, but as I said, just too lazy, atm

Update - when I selected Antonio to play as the game froze ???

Lol I just did this and now hunico works for his

Sincara out fit :) for collectors :)

Just rebuild the file and bam

Any way miztah you can upload the

Blk attire you have of hunico ?

The .dds

Edited by Twistedmisery666
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gotcha will try that. odd i notice when i change kofi to 0B it shows up as austins 3:16 edition? and if I use 0A it shows APA attire? is this because i did not rebuild the file?

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gotcha will try that. odd i notice when i change kofi to 0B it shows up as austins 3:16 edition? and if I use 0A it shows APA attire? is this because i did not rebuild the file?

What did you do exact when you rebuild it?

Cuz idk why my game freezes when I select

Antonio ?

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What did you do exact when you rebuild it?

Cuz idk why my game freezes when I select

Antonio ?

Also, in addition to the other post you made about this SAME topic, I should mention that unless he has updated his mods to not have to update the arc files yet, you will have to update the arc files in the DLC as well.

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