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  3. eri619

    SvR 11 Editor by Brienj

    It wont work as it requires logging into Xbox Hacking Portal forum which is no longer functional/ live. The only way to make it work is if someone can reverse engineer the exe and crack it to override the login part.
  4. hiddenagent97

    [Released] Sound Editor Version

    does anyone know when they going update it so you can edit the ra1 file
  5. BlueDragon22

    Cheat engine use.

    If values keep resetting, try using the correct data type or searching for unknown initial values. Sometimes, changing between exact and fuzzy search helps track them down more accurately. And if you're trying to get Cheat Engine working but are running into issues, make sure you've disabled any overlays or third-party programs that might interfere. Some versions also require specific settings to avoid detection. If you're looking into bo6 cheats, keep in mind that certain updates might break compatibility, so older methods might not work anymore. Testing different cheat tables can help find one that’s still functional.
  6. Last week
  7. motishow

    ERAS 1-9 | 40 Years of Arenas

    where is located the misc_01 file file? because i have the same ramp problem like you
  8. can you send the tool you have
  9. jboland1979

    Custom call names

    I am curious what file is used to mod in custom ring announcer call names. I tried it In ra_1.pck and changed the name "the judge" to "sting" for instance but it doesn't reflect that in the game. Anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
  10. I could be behind on the times, but last I heard, nothing has been figured out yet that will save when you exit the game. There is a chance someone will figure out an unlocker file for CE like previous years but so far they aren't saving from what I hear. There's also a chance I might end up figuring out how to convert one of my 2k24 cheat engine scripts (such as NPC2CAW) for 2k25, which lets you save people as a CAW to play as next time. Keep an eye out and I'm sure stuff will be released soon from somebody. We're still very early in the game's lifespan.
  11. I mean what the original poster is asking about is doable with Cheat Engine in 2k24, but is not doable using the old "switch them to a manager attire" trick that some people remember from previous games. Add me on Discord and let's discuss the details regarding who or how many people you are looking to change it for, as well as how soon you'd want to receive it finished, and if it sounds like something I can accomplish to your satisfaction, etc... Send me a message there and remind me who you are from this forum. My username is: Tacobill That's the trick that no longer works for 2k24 (so Cheat Engine is needed instead), and so far I don't know if that trick works on 2k25. I'd be surprised if the old trick works tho, so a new CE script for 2k25 might be needed like it was on 2k24.
  12. Which tool can be used for this. In theory, I understand that it is possible to find the entrence of the Bad Ass Undertaker in the 2k game files and divide them into 2, but how to do this?
  13. Would anyone be able to walk me through or provide a resource on how to add match cards to modded arenas on WWE 2K19? Jimmy's tutorials are no longer available as he deleted his account, and I can't seem to find any other resource online on how to get this done. If there is anyone with previous experience on working with these that can give me some sort of step-by step walkthrough here would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  14. I knew a workaround about how to wear entrance outfits in ring attire section. Just change the attire type to manager and then add the desired outfit on your superstar ring attire by either importing it from a CAW or simply just adding it manually. IDK if this works in 2K25 or not. It worked very well since WWE 2K20 till WWE 2K24. I last tried it on 2K24. If this not works you can add it easily through CE (Cheat Engine) by just dragging the AOBs.
  15. hello is there a way to unlock them and save after exit the game and open it again still saved
  16. byulasd

    Royal Rumble [I]

    exciting! @Sprunki
  17. bigboyjeff

    Cult of personality

    Cm punk
  18. bigboyjeff

    Cult of personality

    Cm punk
  19. bigboyjeff

    Cult of personality

    Cm punk
  20. Which tool can be used for this. In theory, I understand that it is possible to find the entrence of the Bad Ass Undertaker in the 2k game files and divide them into 2, but how to do this?
  21. Alisha

    WWE 2k25 original attributes

    ???? Anybody please, I need the default stats of every wrestler in the WWE 2k25!
  22. denbigh7

    Trouble With Converting MP3 To WEM

    Which game (database) do you have the settings set at? Also, which version of Sound Editor are you running? I'm running and it works flawlessly.
  23. can you please tell me, if I have to HAVE INSTALLED THE GAME INTO MY INTERNAL DRIVE first????? I am playing it by disc right now and renders are not showing.
  24. i CANNOT see extra and DLC wrestlers on the selection screen ( I mean their images) . Installed the game as it said, although I was confused on the GAMES/(your WWE 2009 game) path and created a folder there. What to do now? did this, renders still not showing.
  25. FiggySmalls

    Trouble With Converting MP3 To WEM

    I’ve been trying the past couple days to get Sound Editor to work but every time I try to convert MP3 Files to WEM the conversion keeps failing. I downloaded the dependencies and everything but it’s still not working. Then I tried to uninstall it then reinstall it but it’s still not working. Can anybody help me out?
  26. will those work with a PAL disc version????
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