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Thedeadmanrising Triple H 2004 & 2003 caw


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This is a Triple H caw from his evolution days. He will come with 2003 & 2004. All opinions  are welcomed. body morph is from someone else.

Here is a preview.





Edited by Thedeadmanrising
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could this not have just gone in your other topic to keep things neat around here? 

Attire is good but no blending on the pixelated chest texture and don't see much of HHH in the face I'm afraid - for example - where is his trademark brow? Looks more like Kevin Sorbo from Hurcules  or a random Cool Waters model doing Cosplay at the moment.

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Yeah face doesn't look like HHH at all unfortunately  

Could you not have used Triple H actual model and just changed the attire? 

i did for the hell of it. Plus there are thousands of caws of people who are already in the game.

Im not trying to start anything, but hundreds of people do this not just me.

Edited by Thedeadmanrising
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Here's some refs. Almost all of my creations look worse than this after scanning and before morphing. You have a nice start. I can say what I'd do, and then you can give it a shot, or ignore them. Idc. If you do decide to though, you could always make a copy so that you don't lose progress.

1. Re-scan. I can see the nostrils, and crease in mouth. Try to focus on matching the face to the details in the scan. If you try to work on the resemblance before matching them up, it can look funny later.

2. Make the eyes brown. You probably haven't gotten to it yet, but they can be easy to overlook, so it's nice to get them out of the way.

3. Angle the chin higher, and move the entire jawline up.

4. Raise the nostrils, and make them wider. Widen the bridge of the nose.

5. Separate the eyes, and angle them.

6. Raise the brows slightly higher than the eyes.

7. Blend.


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I think it's off to a pretty good start. as mentioned already, blending on the textures and a better chest pic.

That hair would work well on a Late 1999 - 2000 Triple H... which we've never had a good model of in-game. 

Keep at it...

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