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New Titantron


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I have add new titantron for

stone cold




Road Dogg

Billy Gunn



to do this u need SEGA Dreamcast Movie Creator, VirtualDub and RAD Video Tools

convert ur vid to .bink using rad video then using the same program convert it to .Avi then open movie maker and convert it to .sfd try it in virtual dub if it work out it in the game using AFSExplorer..... this is just a qick how has I dont have time to do a proper Tutorail if u need help u can get me on MSN under the same name (DRAVEN)

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I Tried to create new titantrons many times without success

Sfd video (videos of this games) hasnt audio part, but using sega movie creator, u've to mux audio+video to create a sfd....

So i suppose that sega mc produce a new version of sfd wich is incompatible with the sfd standard in the game, also i dont know if is possible create a mpeg compatible with softdec mpeg that is the base of tjis sfd video

Hope that u can contradict me ;)

Waiting 4 news

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yes i know go in to sound recorder and record a few seconds of non sound then use that as ur sound source in sega movie creator

Warning i have run in to some problems.... main one been I think I have made the movie files to big... the raw tron on the entrance is a bit fuked up then the tron's gets abit pixilated...workin on it I will lett u know what happens....

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heres a reali stupid idea, that could get you in a lot of trouble. could you create an iso image file in say dvd decrypter then put it up for download

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sorry no have a real copy of the game and then I copyed it to my HD to edit it.....if u have MSN I will send thee trons I have....

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I'd be interested in these torns if you'd send them to my gmail account, m0tsie@gmail.com please, if they work I'll put up a tutorial on the website and the videos to download so people can update there games.

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If we use first of all tmpgenc to create m1v, then Rad Video tools and dreamcast mc, to try to resolve the problem of resolution

I know that tmpgenc uses mpeg softdec technology

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the problem I think is in the file size's as I remade the AFS file that they are all stored in, I will get back to u when I fix it....

Smacktalks, I can't e-mail them as the file's are pritty big...

Billy gunn = 23.9 mb

3 live kru = 38mb

I would have to unexract the rest to tell u the file sizes

I can seen them via MSN...

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I use ur procedure but when i try sfd file with vlc, it collapses

I have a mpeg starting file

I convert it to bink

then into avi

then ino sfd

Where is the mistake?

If i Use a starting wmv all go on normally

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I use nero vision express 3 to make any vid file in to avi then rad tools to bink it...

that work for me

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Right I may no what the problem is... I have changed all orginal music to custom ones + I have made my AFS music files alot bigger.... so I need some one to test one of my tron's scoot give me a shout on msn....

Edited by DRAVEN
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can you give me any site address? or can you convert billy kidman - hurricane and lita tron in sfd please?

later i give you the msn address now i dont remember

xcuse me for my english

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