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Joey Mercury 2


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Joey Mercury CAW for SVR2006

Created by edg3head


Name: Joey Mercury

HUD Name: Mercury

Nick Name: Mercury

Nick Name Placement: None

Announcer Introduction: Mark (ury) or Joseph

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Gender: Male

Weight Class: 187lbs Cruiserweight

Match Tactic: Fight Dirty

Show: SmackDown!

Voice: Voice-3



- Head

- - Size (65)

- - Height (-66)

- - Width (-29)

- - Depth (7)

- Eyebrows

- - Y-Axis Position (66)

- - Thickness (-18)

- - Depth (-29)

- - Angle (-11)

- Eyes

- - Size (-44)

- - Height (42)

- - Width (51)

- - Y-Axis Position (2)

- - X-Axis Position (-5)

- - Depth (53)

- - Angle (0)

- Nose

- - Size (12

- - Height (84)

- - Width (-71)

- - Length (-36)

- - Nostrils Height (-23)

- - Nostrils Width (18)

- - Angle (13)

- - Arc (8)

- Cheek

- - Size (20)

- - Y-Axis Width (0)

- - X-Axis Width (23)

- - Depth (-40)

- Mouth

- - Height (0)

- - Thickness (53)

- - Horizontal Width (3)

- - Depth (0)

- - Upper Lip Shape (-22)

- - Lower Lip Shape (33)

- - Angle (17)

- Jaw

- - Height (25)

- - Horizontal Width (28)

- - Depth (1)

- - Outline (-10)

- - Upper Line (-3)

- - Thickness (16)

- Ear

- - Size (0)

- - Angle1 (14)

- - Angle2 (2)

- - Shape (0)

Morphing Continued

- Hair (77/91)

- - Colour (92)

- - Shade (45)

- - Brightness (38)

- - Length (75)


- Hair (81/91)

- - Colour (95)

- - Shade (86)

- - Brightness (50)

- - Length (13)

- Eyes (8/26)

- - Colour (100)

- - Shade (50)

- - Brightness (47)

- Eyebrows (1/48)

- - Colour (97)

- - Shade (54)

- - Brightness (39)

- - Transparency (78)

- Facial Hair / Sideburns (9/17)

- - Colour (95)

- - Shade (50)

- - Brightness (50)

- - Transparency (100)

- Facial Hair / Goatee (3/13)

- - Colour (92)

- - Shade (50)

- - Brightness (50)

- - Transparency (100)

Facial Hair / Other (17/25)

- - Colour (94)

- - Shade (50)

- - Brightness (50)

- - Transparency (100)

- Lips (1/35)

- - Colour (98)

- - Shade (50)

- - Brightness (50)

- - Transparency (100)

- Face Skin (1/8)

- Eye Lids (1/22)

- - Colour (93)

- - Shade (50)

- - Brightness (50)

- Teeth (1/3)

- - Default Colours


Body Type

- Ripped <-> Thick (3)

- Advanced Options (Anything ignored is set to 0)

- Head

- - Height (7)

- - Width (-16)

- - Depth (17)

- Neck

- - Width (12)

- Chest

- - Height (9)

- - Width (-42)

- Shoulder

- - Height (-48)

- - Width (6)

- - Depth (-85)

- Arms

- - Length (2)

- - Upper Arm (-29)

- - Forearm (-21)

Body Skin (1/9)

- Colour (96)

- Shade (50)

- Brightness (50)

Body Hair (N/A)

Body Height (5'7)



- Glasses (9/40) - Turn off for match

- - Colour (0)

- - Shade (59)

- - Brightness (43)

- Make-Up (53/135)

- - Colour (50)

- - Shade (50)

- - Brightness (50)

Transparency (100)


- Wrist Bands (1/20) (1/45)

- - Colour (43)

- - Shade (50)

- - Brightness (0)

- - Transparency (100)

- - Length (84)

- Wrist Bands (1/20) (1/45)

- - Colour (43)

- - Shade (0)

- - Brightness (100)

- - Transparency (100)

- - Length (100)


- Shoes (29/48) (1/45)

- - Colour (43)

- - Shade (0)

- - Brightness (11)


- Pants (48/62)

- Belt (12/29)

- - Colour (100)

- - Shade (50)

- - Brightness (30)

- - Transparency (100)


- Body Accessories (2/38)

- - Colour (90)

- - Shade (50)

- - Brightness (50)

- - Transparency (100)

- Body Accessories (3/38)

- - Colour (89)

- - Shade (50)

- - Brightness (50)

- - Transparency (100)


- Jackets - Coat (6/8) (11/45) - Turn off for match

- - Colour (95)

- - Shade (70)

- - Brightness (42)

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