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Don Muraco


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Don Muraco CAW for SVR2006

Created by jp21671


Name: Don Muraco

HUD Name: Muraco

Nick Name: The Magnificent OR The Rock

Nick Name Placement: Prefix

Announcer Introduction: I used Donald

Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii

Gender: Male

Weight: 263 lbs

match Tactic: your choice

Show: your choice

Voice: your choice



Head: 8,-59,-12,-29

Eyebrows: 81,0,42,57

Eyes: 0,99,62,43,-47,0,-38

Nose: 0,0,100,0,0,-12,-1,16

Cheek: 43,29,31,-37

Mouth: -34,-48,29,0,0,0,85

Jaw: 0,9,19,64,56,77

Ear: 0,0,-33,-90

Age: 44

Body Type:

ripped<->Thick: -36


Head: 0,20,19

Neck: -19,70,75

Chest: 75,70,44

Shoulder: 0,84,70

abdomen: 0,61,33

waist: 61,44

arms: 43,54,51

hands: 31,33,49

Legs: 42,57,33


Body Skin: 5/9 96,51,46

Height: 6\'3\"

Face Skin: 8

Eyes: 1/26 92,46,36

Eyebrows: 48/48 94,50,48

Eyelashes: Default

Lip: Default

Teeth: Default

Hair: 2/91 94,50,47


Underwear: 4/25 43,50,50

Wristbands: 1/20 43,0,56,100,89

Knee Pads: 5/15 43,50,50,100

Shoes: 1/48 43,0,57

Make-up: 115/135 96,50,50,100

Make-up: 133/135 96,50,47,100

*These are for the veins on his left arm and shoulder. See the pics for placement*

Pattern simple left arm: 10/162 96,35,60,68

Pattern simple left arm: 10/162 96,35,60,68

**Entrance / Cut Scene Only:**

Long Hemline 72/101, 5/45 21,79,50,100

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