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Bill Gunn by WolfgangJT and Chyna by WolfgangJT/Dom_Ination


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Bad Ass Billy Gunn - (DX/NAO ski boots attire)

By WolfgangJT


help pics link (.zip file)



Start with face model 12: default model (delete any layers past 10)

Head: -17, -8, 21

Forehead: 0, -14, -100, -2

Eyebrows: -57, -11, 0, 18

Eyes: -2, -54, -24, -18, 16, 0, 0

Nose: 0, -39, 0, -6, 0, -45, 0, 12

Cheek: -10, 43, -8, -8

Mouth: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -52

Jaw: 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 0

Ears: 60, -48, -36, 28

Age: 7

Body Type: -9

Neck: -13, 13, 31

Chest: -29, -20, 42

Shoulder: 0, -7, -53

Abdomen: -88, 30, 30

Waist: 45, 23

Arms: -64, 24, 22

Hands: 0, 0, 0

Legs: 10, -16, 35

Feet: 0, 61, -20

Body Height: 6' 4"

Weight: 268 lbs

1. Body Skin 5 (92, 2, -2, 1)

2. Face Skin 12

3. Eyes 1:100, 0, 0

4. Eyebrows 25: 89, -18, 7

5. Eyelashes 1: 87, 0, 0

6. Lips 1: 96, -4, 6

7. Teeth: default

8. Hair 21: 84, -2, 3, -100 or Hair 41: 82, 8, 42 (for ponytail...change forehead width to 34)

9. Body Hair: None

10. Underwear 24: -55, -10, -1

11. Sideburns 12: 80, -23, 7, 100

12. Knee Pads 8: -13, -78, -74, 100

13. Knee Pads 10: -13, -78, -74, 100

14. Knee Pads 5: -60, 47, 16, 100

15. Wristbands 1: -26, -85, 11, 100, 19

16. Makeup 50: 92, -5, 12, 67

17. Makeup 19 (stylize to the one on the side of the cheek/jaw/neck area): 91, -21, 49, 100

18. Head > Logos > Design 93, rotate twice, largest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place below nose on upper mouth area as seen in help pics: 92, -53, 0, 6

19. Head Accessories 31: 100, 0, -7 *entrance and cut-scene only

20. Shoes 7: -13, -78, 19

21. Head > Logos > Design 93, 2nd smallest horizontal and vertical, place in center of eyebrow area as seen in help pics: 90, -57, 39, 100

22. Head > Logos > WWE 8, rotate twice, largest horizontal and 2nd smallest vertical, place on forehead as seen in help pics: 92, 1, -59, 0

23. Makeup 45: 95, 6, 8, 100

**in order for the poofy shirt to stay poofy looking once in the game, you must create this as stated with these shirts...others combinations (like combination I suggested to Bhangra on his Taker) I found out looks poofy in caw mode, but in entrance, clings to the body due to a glitch**

24. Tops > Clothes > Men',s Clothes 2: -13, -76, -69, 100, 7 *entrance and cut-scene only

25. Tops > Clothes > Men',s Clothes 25 (leave as the poofy one): -13, -77, -73 *entrance and cut-scene only

26. Tops>Logos>Front>Design 103, rotate once, largest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, Place on top of the gray stitch looking area as seen in help pics: -18, -84, -26, 100 *entrance and cut-scene only

27. Tops>Logos>Back>Design 103, rotate once, largest horizontal, smallest vertical, Place on top of the gray neckline dip-down area as seen in help pics: -18, -84, -26, 100 *entrance and cut-scene only

28. Tops>Logos>Front>WWE 38, rotate once, largest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, Place on chest as seen in help pics: 100, 0, 0, 100 *entrance and cut-scene only

29. Bottoms>Logos>Right Knee>Design 103, largest horizontal, smallest vertical, Place on knee pad as seen in help pics: -18, -86, 78, 100

30. Bottoms>Logos>Right Knee>Design 103, rotate once, 2nd largest horizontal, smallest vertical, Place on knee pad as seen in help pics: -18, -86, 78, 100

31. Bottoms>Logos>Right Knee>Design 103, smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, Place on kneepad as seen in help pics: -18, -86, 78, 100

32. Bottoms>Logos>Right Knee>Letters>Alphabet Page 2, the B, 2nd largest horizontal, smallest vertical, Place on knee pad as seen in help pics: -25, -100, -40, 100

33. Bottoms>Logos>Right Knee>Letters>Alphabet Page 2, the A, 2nd largest horizontal, smallest vertical, Place on knee pad as seen in help pics: -25, -100, -40, 100

34-38. Repeat layers 29-33 for the other knew, replacing the A with the G for the left knee, so the left knee pad reads BG.

39. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Design 100, rotate once, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on front of boot as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100

40. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Design 15, rotate once, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on front of boot over previous design as shown in help pics: -18, -90, 50, 100

41. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Letters > Chinese Page 14 (4th row, 1st column), second largest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on front of boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -47, 100

42. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Letters > Sign Page 1 (2nd row, 4th column), largest horizontal, second largest vertical, place on inner side of boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -84, 100

43. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Letters > Sign Page 1 (2nd row, 4th column), largest horizontal, second largest vertical, place on inner side of boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -84, 100

44. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Letters > Alphabet Page 1, the E, largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on the top of the foot of the boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -84, 100

45. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Design 100, second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on outer side of the boot trailing from the E as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100

46. Copy previous pattern, place higher than the last one also trailing from the E as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100

47. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Design 100, rotate once, second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on outer leg area of the boot as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100

48. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > WWE 47, rotate twice, second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on outer leg area of the boot as shown in help pics: 100, -100, -63, 100

49. Copy previous pattern, place lower on leg area of boot as shown in help pics: 100, -100, -63, 100

50. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > WWE 6, rotate three times, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on back of the boot as shown in help pics: 100, 0, 0, 100

51. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Design 103, rotate once, smallest horizontal, largest vertical, place on inner back of the boot as shown in help pics: 79, -23, 9, 100

52. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Design 100, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on front of boot as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100

53. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Design 15, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on front of boot over previous design as shown in help pics: -18, -90, 50, 100

54. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Letters > Chinese Page 14 (4th row, 1st column), second largest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on front of boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -47, 100

55. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Letters > Sign Page 1 (2nd row, 4th column), rotate once, largest horizontal, second largest vertical, place on inner side of boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -84, 100

56. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Letters > Sign Page 1 (2nd row, 4th column), rotate once, largest horizontal, second largest vertical, place on inner side of boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -84, 100

57. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Letters > Alphabet Page 1, the E, rotate twice, largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on the top of the foot of the boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -84, 100

58. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Design 100, rotate once, second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on outer side of the boot trailing from the E as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100

59. Copy previous pattern, place higher than the last one also trailing from the E as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100

60. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Design 100, second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on outer leg area of the boot as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100

61. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > WWE 47, rotate twice, second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on outer leg area of the boot as shown in help pics: 100, -100, -63, 100

62. Copy previous pattern, place lower on leg area of boot as shown in help pics: 100, -100, -63, 100

63. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > WWE 6, rotate three times, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on back of the boot as shown in help pics: 100, 0, 0, 100

64. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Design 103, rotate once, smallest horizontal, largest vertical, place on inner back of the boot as shown in help pics: 79, -23, 9, 100



By Dom-Ination and WolfgangJT


Help pics link:



Start with face model 1 (delete any layers past 10)

Head: -44, -58, -64

Forehead: 0, 39, 33, -20

Eyebrows: -83, 100, 34, -3

Eyes: 0, -8, -3, 100, 13, -10, -19

Nose: 100, -2, 100, 5, -54, 9, 20, 30

Cheek: 17, 60, 39, 3

Mouth: 6, -29, -24, 16, 57, 11, -60

Jaw: 100, 47, 66, 41, 89, 48

Ears: 0, 0, 0, 0

Age: 10

Body Type: -61

Neck: -47, 70, 35

Chest: 100, 49, 100

Bust -5, -100, -100

Shoulder: 36, 95, -65

Abdomen: -68, 31, 0

Waist: -41, 10

Arms: -71, 34, 84 <- this is for the more muscular-armed Chyna

Hands: 34, 100, 100

Legs: 8, 64, 49

Feet: 0, 27, 8

Body Height: 6' 2"

1. Body Skin 4: 88, 1, -1, 19

2. Face Skin 9

3. Eyes 1: -60, 7, -9

4. Eyebrows 47: 100, 0, -100

5. Eyelashes 5: 87, 0, -9

6. Lips 27: 94, 0, 53

7. Teeth: default

8. Hair 19: -97, 0, -86, 72

9. Body Hair: None

10. Underwear 11: -13, -78, -74

11. Women's Clothes 10: -100, 2, -100

12. Face Paint 56: 90, 36, 3, 20

13. Makeup 2: 96, -3, -35, 47

14. Makeup 63: 100, -4, -9, 59

15. Makeup 22 (stylize to the one around the eyes): 91, -30, 34, 65

16. Makeup 18 (stylize to the one on the side of the face/cheek area): 90, -59, 0, 100

17. Makeup 18 (default stylizing): 88, -42, -46, 91

18. Makeup 29: 92, -3, 10, 51

19. Makeup 65: 90, -7, -4, 72

20. Head > Logos > Design 99, rotate once, 2nd smallest horizontally, 2nd largest vertical, place on lower lip as seen in help pics: 98, -64, 19, 100

21. Copy previous pattern, move to the left and place as seen in help pics: 98, -64, 19, 100

22. Copy previous pattern, move up a notch or two so that the past two make a small outline tracing the bottom lip line, place as seen in help pics: -100, -64, 44, 100

23. Copy previous pattern, move right and place as seen in help pics to finish the lighter section of the lower lip and completing the outline look of the lips: -100, -64, 44, 100

24. Head > Logos > Design 98, 2nd smallest horizontally, Largest vertical, place beside mouth and nose as seen in help pics: 88, -61, 54, 15

25. Copy previous pattern, rotate once, place on other side of mouth as seen in help pics: 88, -61, 53, 21

26. Head > Logos > Design 93, rotate twice, 2nd largest horizontally, 2nd smallest vertical, place below nose on upper mouth area as seen in help pics: 88, -59, 51, 25

27. Head > Logos > Letters > Sign Page 1, the / (3rd row, 5th column), smallest horizontally, 2nd largest vertical, place as seen in help pics: 88, -30, 0, 55

28. Copy previous design, rotate once, move to other side of face as seen in help pics: 88, -30, 0, 75

29. Head > Logos > Design 100, smallest horizontally, 2nd smallest vertical, place beside mouth and nose as seen in help pics: 88, -46, 21, 44

30. Copy previous pattern, rotate once, move to other side of face as seen in help pics: 88, -46, 25, 67

31. Head > Logos > Design 97, rotate once, smallest horizontally, 2nd largest vertical, place tip of nose as seen in help pics: 88, -60, 53, 16

32. Head > Logos > Design 97, 2nd smallest horizontally, 2nd largest vertical, place on cheek beside nose as seen in help pics as seen in help pics: 88, -55, 56, 8

33. Copy previous pattern, rotate once, place on other side on nose as seen in help pics: 88, -55, 59, 6

34. Head > Logos > Design 97, rotate once, 2nd largest horizontally and vertical, place on chin as seen in help pics as seen in help pics: 88, -55, 56, 8

35. Head > Logos > Flag 7, rotate twice, largest horizontally, 2nd smallest vertical, place on forehead as seen in help pics: -34, -100, -100, 100

36. Copy previous design, move to the right and place as seen in help pics: -34, -100, -100, 100

37. Head > Logos > Design 103, rotate twice, largest horizontally, 2nd smallest vertical, place on forehead as seen in help pics: -18, 0, -100, 100

38. Copy previous design, rotate once, make 2nd largest vertical, move to the right and place as seen in help pics: -18, 0, -100, 100

39. Head > Logos > WWE 8, rotate once, 2nd smallest horizontally and vertical, place on forehead as seen in help pics: 87, -27, 0, 100

40. Copy previous design, move to the right and place as seen in help pics: 87, -27, 0, 100

41. Copy previous design, move to the right and place as seen in help pics: 87, -27, 0, 100

42. Copy previous design, move to the right and place as seen in help pics: 87, -27, 0, 100

43. Copy previous design, move to the right and place as seen in help pics: 87, -27, 0, 100

44. Head > Logos > Design 99, 2nd smallest horizontally, 2nd largest vertical, place on center of forehead as seen in help pics: 90, -58, 42, 100

45. Tights 1: -26, -86, -77, 100, 100

46. Shoes 3: -33, -85, -75

47. Belt 11: -32, -100, -10, 100

48. Women

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