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"The Pain" Brock Lesnar - By Sunny McInus from the SAVE


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Note: I'll try to get Help Pics if I can.

Name Brock Lesnar

Hud Lesnar

Nickname The Next Big Thing

Placement Prefix

Announcer Introduction The Bruiser (I chose "The Monster")

Hometown Minneapolis, Mn.

Weight Super Heavyweight 295 lbs.

Match Tactic Dirty

Show Smackdown!

Voice 1

Match Specialty Hardcore

Head and Face Morphing

Head -47,0,-4

Forehead 0,-100,-17,0

Eyebrows -27,100,6,-56

Eyes -34,67,-50,3,24,-27,-13

Nose -1,-10,100,-17,88,-82,45,36

Cheeks 0,2,30,0

Mouth 100,40,-100,6,42,79,-49

Jaw -88,72,2,-26,5,53

Ears 51,33,-45,-20

Skin Aging 17

Body Type 0

Advanced Options

Neck -88,86,0

Chest 44,49,38

Shoulder -40,-7,45

Abdomen -5,30,0

Waist 0,0

Arms 4,20,27

Hands 0,0,0

Legs -5,19,12

Feet 0,0,0

Body Height 6 Ft. 4 In.


1.Body Skin (1) 90,5,3

2.Face Skin Tones (12)

3.Eyes (1) -15,-8,-30

4.Eyebrows (42) 86,-19,33

5.Eyelashes (7) 87,0,18

6.Lips (1) 97,-5,-1

7.Teeth Default

8.Hair (15) 89,-12,8

9.Body Hair Default (None)

10.Underwear (1)

11.Wrist Bands (21) -13,-78,-74,100

12.Knee Pads (15) -13,-78,-74,100

13.Shoes (1)

14.Design (55) Largest Hor. Smallest Ver. Centered on the back of his underwear, near the top of his underwear. -19,-86,78,100

15.Design (55) 3rd Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered on the bottom half inch of Layer 14. -19,-86,78,100

16.Design (55) Largest Hor. 2nd Ver. Place centered on his back, 4 inches below the bottom of his neck. -100,-100,-27,5

17.Design (10) Rotate Twice 3rd Hor. 2nd Ver. Place centered near the bottom of his back, with the bottomof the design a half inch over his underwear. -100,-15,-65,8

18. and 19. will be connected to each end of Layer 15. Both are Design (18) Rotate Once Left End, 3 Times Right End 2nd Hor. Smallest Ver. -100,-49,-57,17

20. and 21. will be placed from the top of each end of Layer 17, going to each end of the upper part of the back tattoo. Both are Design (4) Smallest Hor. Smallest Ver. (Left Side), Rotate Once Smallest Hor. 2nd Ver. (Right Side) -100,-2,-31,11

22.Design (2) 2nd Hor. Smallest Ver. Place so the right half of the design is centered around the middle of the top left line that sticks up from Layer 17. -100,-13,-24,81

23.Design (2) Rotate Once 2nd Hor. Smallest Ver. Place so the left half of the design is centered around the middle of the top right line that sticks up from Layer 17. -100,-13,-24,81

24. and 25. are centered on the bottom half of Layers 18 and 19. Both are Design (42) Rotate Once Left Shoulderblade, 3 Times Right Shoulderblade 2nd Hor. Smallest Ver. -100,-26,-21,41

26.Design (114) Rotate Twice Smallest Hor. Smallest Ver. Place so the top of the design is centered directly below Layer 16. 99,-35,-36,22

27.Design (113) Rotate Twice Smallest Hor. Smallest Ver. Connect to the top of layer 16. -100,5,-18,28

28.Design (136) Smallest Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered on the side of his right shoulder. 86,-26,-38,19

29.Design (113) 2nd Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered on the side of his left shoulder. 88,0,0,100

30.Make Up (55) 92,-1,-3,43

31.Make Up (19) Cover cheeks and under his chin. 92,-19,0,100

32.Make Up (18) Cover the front of his nose. 90,4,0,100

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